Boy, is the week going fast!
Dad and I are sitting in the "Liberal Inn," and it is not the end of Day three, but the end of Day four. The reason I am writing this post tonight is because my silly little netbook was unable to connect to the wireless network at last night's hotel.
Regardless, we tried the Microtel in Kearney, NE. It was pretty good and had a decent breakfast, but we were on our way fairly early Wednesday morning to "See How America Grew." (R) (Tm)
Pioneer Village is, as they say on all the publication materials, Nebraska's #1 attraction. According to the records posted on the wall, at its peak in the mid 70's, the attraction drew about 175,000 people annually, which amounts to around 485 people daily. They stopped posting figures after 1994, when it drew about 90,000 a day. A good estimate for this year's attendance would be, liberally, 70,000. 194 people, daily, maybe.
Sitting mostly empty on the site is a 300 seat restaurant and a 90(!) room hotel. The hotel looked pretty empty and the restaurant looked closed so we didn't eat there (but it was actually open, which means that cook was pretty bored that day). But never fear! Harold Warp, the famed and revered founder of Pioneer Village, put all three: Pioneer Village, the restaurant, and hotel, into a non-profit organization (foundation) so that he may "ensure that the entire collection may be preserved for generations to come."
And it is huge.
In addition to this quaint little one-room schoolhouse where I pretend to be paying attention (yeah right), Mr. Warp has acquired a log cabin, church, working steam locomotives & a depot, another schoolhouse, a sod house, and more. The entire complex spans over 27 buildings! Most of them are pretty big, also.
This is Harold's vision of your average 1950s living room. He has a living room, kitchen, and bedroom from every twenty years going back to the early 1800s. It is impressive.
Pioneer Village has over 300 cars. That may sound like a mediocre amount, but let me tell you. Its a LOT of Internal Combustion Engines. Entire product lines from Chevy, Ford, Buick - Everything. He's got cars from the 1890s, horse carts, electric cars, steam cars, trucks, Everything. Three buildings (or more) full, two-levels, row upon row of cars, and here is a taste:
Panoramic images of the main circle of buildings, please click on them to expand them. The museum brags you can walk less than a mile and see everything. I'm pretty sure we walked more than a mile and we still didn't see everything, but the circular flow does seem to help the design of the place.
This rug, which reminded dad of a rug his grandmother Walter had in her bedroom, gave us a small obsession over braided rugs for the next few days.
The city of Minden, which is famous for its Christmas lights, has a wonderful town square and beautiful courthouse, just south of the BNSF railway tracks.
My dad told me this story his father (my grandpa). One Thanksgiving, he drove a group of his friends to Minden to see the lights. They got there, and found to their great disappointment that the lights were not turned on yet. My grandpa was famous for being able to strike up a good conversation with just about anyone, and soon enough he found the person to talk to, who happily turned on the lights at the courthouse just for them.
So, after a nice visit to the town square and listening to the Carillon music that reverberated around the square from the courthouse, we left placid little Minden, south through Alma (NE), and into Phillipsburg, where we were thirsty and I hungry. We stopped at the only chain restaurant thus far, a subway. It was refreshing enough and got us down US 183 through Stockton and Plainville (home of US congressman Jerry Moran) to Hays, Kansas - our nightly stop.
But, there was still plenty of daylight, and we made good use of it by visiting the Sternberg Museum of Natural History. Situated just off I-70, we have passed it dozens of times yet never stopped. This time, we made it a priority and I am sure glad we did - its a wonderful Kansas museum.
The first thing we did was visit a Kansas History Exhibit. It illustrated Oceanic Kansas during the Tertiary period of Earth's history, around 500 million years ago. Kansas was, at one time, covered in an ocean, so the exhibit has you climb into the underwater world of Kansas' past. Gigantic fish, whale-like dinosaurs, and your average plankton once were the eat-or-be-eaten wildlife of the Kansas' plains. After the floodgates at Tuttle Creek Lake were opened during the flood of 1993, a different kind of flood came to the lake in the form of scrounging geologists, who found numerous prehistoric, oceanic fossils in the Kansas sedimentary limestone. Also, I found some shark's teeth there on a field trip with my geology class sophomore year.
We then ascended into more recent times, some 200 million years ago before the last major ice age - the age of the dinosaurs. It was pretty cool. But remember,
We then ascended into more recent times, some 200 million years ago before the last major ice age - the age of the dinosaurs. It was pretty cool. But remember,
The animitronic was pretty scary, but in reality, the Sternberg Museum once made T-Rex history, by Fort Hays researchers discovering the first complete T-Rex fossil skeleton in Wyoming. Named Lucy, the dino was displayed at the Sternberg Museum first, causing quite the upsurge in Hays' dino tourism industry.
Outside the entrance to the exhibit, the world's most photographed fossil, the "Fish within a fish," is displayed. It was found in Kansas!
We also saw this living fossil, the American Aligator, waiting in a tank looking very cute. We just missed the "Supercroc" exhibit, a fossil of a prehistoric, dinosaur-age fossil of a crocodile over 35 feet(!!!) long. We watched the better part of a two-hour documentary on Supercroc which was playing the museum's small theater, making me go back upstairs to get a picture of this little fella.
Prehistoric dog.
Prehistoric cat. (Nice kitty, kitty, kitty!)
Also on display is a neat "Discovering Paleontology" exhibit, with many unique fossils and artifacts. They even had a mammoth's foot, tooth, and jaw, which I wish I would have taken pictures of. However, that Supercroc movie ate up a lot of time, and it was time to go. We browsed the gift shop, and left to go do... other things.
The first other thing we did was find a house dad believes he stayed at over a summer while his mom (my grandmother) went to school at Fort Hays State. We believe we found it, but for the sake of the current owner's privacy I wont post a picture here. It also may not be the correct house, but dad is pretty sure. Nearby was this great pedestrian bridge linking two sides of campus, which spans "Big Creek."
The first other thing we did was find a house dad believes he stayed at over a summer while his mom (my grandmother) went to school at Fort Hays State. We believe we found it, but for the sake of the current owner's privacy I wont post a picture here. It also may not be the correct house, but dad is pretty sure. Nearby was this great pedestrian bridge linking two sides of campus, which spans "Big Creek."
We ate dinner at a place called "JD's Country Style Chicken." The chicken and beef were excellent. Dad and I both ordered sides of grilled onions because they were offered. Delicious! It was located in an old fast-food restaurant, but we were hoping for a sit-down experience which we found. The modifications to a sit-down restaurant were minimal, but the experience and service was great and We'll probably be back sometime we're in Hays.
Visited the Hays Regional Airport and its wonderful airport terminal to look for Rans Corporation's manufacturing building. Rans makes the bike my dad owns, as well as ultralight and sport aircraft. We found a small building with the Rans logo on it, but no Manufacturing building (which, in pictures we've seen, is much larger).
Hays (HYS) is served five times daily to Denver (DEN) by Great Lakes Airlines on 19-seat turboprops. Similar service was provided at Manhattan by the same airline until April of 2010, when American Eagle began providing three daily flights to Dallas, unsubsidized.
Dad knew of a new church that went up in the 1980s and also knew the priest, who transferred here from Manhattan to begin the new Parish. We visited and poked our heads in. It was getting dark, but it was a beautiful contemporary church.
we went to Sternberg Museum when my brother Tyler was about three (that was when they were displaying the replica of Sue the T-Rex) we went by the animitronic dinosaur and Tyler freaked was hilarious.